Wednesday, January 2, 2019

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the following journal addresses various relevant facts which apply to this existence before c4q97 of the prophesies of michel denotre dame commences in this existence.
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okay. so, without further ado here we go with the following information addressed.
worded as follows.

Read the comment section of this video.
I felt compelled to write it to you,you boxing 🐻 🥊 🐻🥊🐻🥊🐻🥊🐻🥊🐻🥊🐻🥊🐻🥊🐻🥊🐻 bears on earth.
I believe it was the construction of the masonville mall which altered the recent destiny of the Westmount shopping centre. Before masonville appeared Westmount was usually always booming.Image result for IMAGES OF INSANITY Not like White Oaks mall, its main competitor up the way around the corner shall we say, a bit, but it did okay business. But anyways Masonville, and White Oaks mall just up the way from Westmount is what made business decline... .Related image But their was another problem no one ever acknowledges too. Saunders high school kids gave the place an uneasy feeling. Related image With their presence loitering and violent attitudes.Image result for images of naked tortured men on leashes And a secret drug location for drugs in the city. With police and security at the mall doing little or nothing about it. Too much people underestimated that problem. But it was a problem. The 🏫 school being right accross the street. Great place for violent kids with nothing to do to hang out And be a deceptive problem.Related image For vendors , retailers and customers of the now mostly abandoned mall. Those are the specific reasons why this became a dead mall in London. Too bad. evil spirits in human form know how to wreck everything in this life, don't they?
while they hide from me. by masquarading as mortals in human form in this life with mortals everywhere in this existence presently.
reflective of this.Image result for make gifs image 'i prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around han solo
Image result for make gifs image 'i prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around han solo
o well. It was a nice mall for a while.... If it's location had been a little farther up towards wonderland and Riverside drive , further away from White Oaks mall and Saunders secondary school, I believe it never would have become abandoned . Regarding retail stores.Related image But it's as they always say, location, location location. Image result for make gifs motion images of star wars 'i prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around Upon the commencement of c4q97 of the nostradamaus's quatrains, their will be a different outcome though for Westmount mall. At least for a while. A reprieve. As this states.

aaron jackson comments-
. Use to be such a busy mal -. Dad use to do security there and they actually use to need more then one security guard at a time.then one security at a time,

Image result for make gifs motion images of star wars 'i prefer a straight fight to all this sneaking around

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Angeltruth Jacob
More then one security guard? Talk about an under statement. Saunders students made that clear.Image result for make gifs motion images of the warriors movie new york """"""""La the da.""""""" Let's loiter and be deceptive ultimately causing deceptive violent chaos throughout the mall .Image result for make gifs motion images of the warriors movie new york Then play deceptively innocent when authorities arrive.Image result for make gifs motion images of the warriors movie new york Related image But we're only kids!! Come on ? That actually happened on a continual basis. I saw it with my own eyes. And London police corruptly did little or nothing about it.

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When Wal-Mart first expanded into Canada 25 years ago they took over most Woolco stores, most of them were anchor tenants of several indoor malls. Near the end of the 90s Wal-Mart replaced most of them with freestanding locations that weren't always nearby though.

robert stich also implies the following in words.Image result for make gifs motion images of the warriors movie new york
the preceding information addressed also is the reason why the galleria mall in downtown london failed to succeeed regarding retail buisnesses.

Image result for IMAGES OF INSANITY
When the city decided to remove the London Mews that's where the Galleria business venture failed. It's connection to the London Wellington square made it cozy for people. It was a calm peaceful place for people to shop. Image result for images of lightning When they removed it's connection to the Wellington Eaton square that's where the businesses attached to the Galleria mall in downtownondon failed. They just needed to add some decent stores and be patient. The mall would have worked And been great for downtown London.Image result for MAKE GIFS MOTION IMAGES OF MICHEAL MYERS IN PRISON All they had to do was leave the London Mews connected to the new Wellington Eaton square, meaning the new Galleria mall, it is now called. It would have worked.Related imageImage result for make gifs motion images of the warriors movie new york With proper patience.Image result for make gifs motion images of the warriors movie new york As people always used the mall entitled the londonmews to venture from Dundas Street to king and Wellington streets . Because it was cozy.Image result for make gifs motion images of the warriors movie new york Perhaps the coziest walk in all of London .. But they choose to rip the beautiful little cozy mall called the London Mews to pieces.Image result for IMAGES OF INSANITY Which ruined everything for a very potential mall. Rip up a beautiful mall and put up a parking lot .. That's what they incredibly stupidly did. And that's what it still is. A parking lot.Image result for make gifs motion images of the totally deranged amongst humanity Like the song says... Not that theirs truly need for it. Theirs all sorts of parking places down there. For cars to pollute earth to hell. Rational people do not sacrifice a perfect mall in order to put up another parking lot!!!!Image result for make gifs motion images of the warriors movie new york
Image result for make gifs motion images of the totally deranged amongst humanity
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Anyways, It was a work in progress that they screwed up. Completely.Related image Wonderful. You city councillors. Of London Ontario Canada. Idiots.

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